Polaris 570 Sportsman front left right atv axle 2014 2015 2016 2023 1332931

Polaris 570 Sportsman front left right atv axle 2014 2015 2016 – 2023 1332931. This axle works on the following models 2015 – 2016 4X4 Polaris Sportsman ETX 2011 – 2014 4X4 Polaris 400 Sportsman HO 2007 4X4 Polaris 450 Sportsman 2016 – 2023 4X4 Polaris 450 Sportsman HO 2007 – 2014 4X4 Polaris 500 Sportsman 2008 – 2013 4X4 Polaris 500 Sportsman HO 2007 – 2009 4X4 Polaris 500 Sportsman X2 2018, 2023 4X4 Polaris 570 Sportsman X2 2014 – 2023 4X4 Polaris 570 Sportsman 2017 – 2023 6X6 Polaris 570 Sportsman 2007 – 2008 4X4 Polaris 700 Sportsman 2007 – 2014 4X4 Polaris 800 Sportsman 2009 – 2014 6X6 Polaris 800 Sportsman 2007 – 2009 4X4 Polaris 800 Sportsman X2. Occasionally, we will use the United States Postal Service if it is more time and cost effective. WARRANTIES LIMITED TO MANUFACTURED GOODS. These warranties do not apply to any repairs, alterations, or work undertaken by third parties not involved in the actual manufacturing of the product. 4XPRO does not warrant axles that are used on lifted machines or axles that have torn a boot. The one (1) year does not cover use of the product for racing or other competitive activities. EXCLUSION OF OTHER WARRANTIES. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, AND WARRANTIES FOR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. 4XPRO OFFERS NO WARRANTIES WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION ON THE FACE OF THIS DOCUMENT. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREUNDER, ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES, OF WHATSOEVER NATURE, INCLUDING WARRANTIES ARISING UNDER THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE AND UNDER STATE AND FEDERAL LAW ARE EXCLUDED. 4XPRO MAKES NO WARRANTIES, GUARANTIES, OR REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING THE RELIABILITY OR USE OF THE PRODUCT EXCEPT AS SET FORTH HEREUNDER. 4XPRO SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO THE USER OR PURCHASER OF ITS PRODUCTS, FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF ANY TYPE. REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS SHALL BE THE EXCLUSIVE AND SOLE REMEDY PROVIDED TO USER AND/OR PURCHASER. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL 4XPRO OR ITS DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, SHAREHOLDERS, EMPLOYEES, OR AGENTS BE LIABLE TO PURCHASER OR USER FOR ANY SPECIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR THE LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, PERSONAL INJURY, AND GENERAL COMMERCIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING ALL LOSSES ARISING OUT OF THE INABILITY TO USE OR OPERATE THE PRODUCT. Purchaser agrees to waive the right to challenge or set aside any lawful charge made by 4XPRO for the sale of its products or services. Venue for the enforcement of this Agreement and for the resolution of any disputes between 4XPRO and its buyers or users, including all suits to construe the terms of this Agreement, shall be adjudicated in Pinellas County, Florida. Said mediation shall be conducted by a certified mediator under the laws of the State of Florida, and each party shall be responsible for paying an equal share of all mediation costs. This mandatory mediation shall be a condition precedent to the filing of any legal action or lawsuit, and the terms of this Agreement shall be enforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction. This Agreement shall supercede all prior negotiations and dealings between the parties, and time shall be of the essence in construing the terms hereof. 4xpro will issue a Return Authorization # and this number must be written on the outside of the box to receive credit. 4xpro is not affiliated with any of the OEMs referred to in this ad. Copyrights and Trademarks belong to their respective companies.